Chateau Grief 158

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Chateau Grief 158

Narration(Marozi): Later that morning...I sent Gregory to open the bookstore, and went to collect my coat.

Qureshi: James, I've never seen you so shaken!

Qureshi: Hear me out, have a glass of lemonade.

Narration(Marozi): Total dedication to the ideals of the Resistance. No alcohol for me...

Qureshi: Thanks for not going off on your telepath equal-rights proposition last night. Of course everyone's for equal rights. That is just the problem, the telepath skews the equality.

Qureshi: Not everyone can accept that as easily as you can.

Marozi: Meaning Esme.

Qureshi: Yes.

Marozi: Of course. How can you have equality when they're supernatural. They'd have to be handicapped.

Qureshi: Exactly. I always wish I could explain it to them like you explain it to me. It makes sense when you say it like that.

Qureshi: Everyone begins from such a backwards place! We have the American Ideal: all men are created equal! And so it must be!

Qureshi: When I think of the telepath, I am sick with wonder that such a terrible mistake should have happened. Why has such a man been permitted to exist? I almost think it is only a bad dream.

Qureshi: Perhaps he is not really a telepath, have you thought of that James? maybe this can all be explained away.

Qureshi: If only I could think of an explanation.

Marozi: You've seen just as much as I have.

Qureshi: I don't know if I have!

Qureshi: What if we all merely look up to him as our father? So blinded by his authority that we don't see the reality behind his deeds? We could explain what happened, couldn't we?

Qureshi: The little boy who was hit by the car, his leg is still fractured--modern medicine is amazing!--it was quickly set by our doctor friend Alan--

Qureshi: --Alan is not quite convinced that the telepath is our enemy yet. We must be careful what we say around him-- And then the boy began to heal in a perfectly natural way! There was nothing supernatural about the whole affair!

Author Notes:

Marozi’s seems to be a devotee of Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron. The resulting screwball idea from Qureshi might be worth paying attention to though viz. Law of Jante.  ok, enough of this seriousness, back to bad puns! (sorry for lack of puns this week)

Patreon last week: more hand-whining from me, so much so that I did a big analysis masterclass on John Singer Sargent and light/shadow/awkward hands/ and stuff that was really inspiring to me, I posted 4 set renders that show some of my process developing these comic 3d backgrounds (upcoming stuff and back at the palace so very very fun 'n extravagant), I painted an actual portrait of Xander jumping out of a building.  He has pink hair in this as usual. I don't know, you'd have to see it.  It was awesome. Did the Pelican Inn walkthrough and analyzed what I learned.  Chateau Grief 159 and the revelation of exactly how serious this is going to get. y'know, stuff.